Upon completion of his bachelors of fine arts in communication arts and design in 1991, Hal Dowdy initiated his career with a stint as a production assistant on several television and theatrical feature films Hal has since worked his way through virtually all departments of numerous film and television productions. acquiring the expertise that ushered him into directing full time Twenty years and many award-winning projects later, Hal, along with partner Noah Pearcy. Launched Broadscope. Halts solid foundation in the production industry allows him to quickly and intuitively meet the needs of his clients, providing creative solutions for their projects. He has produced hundreds of TV spots, and corporate and training videos. working with companies and shows including; Wachovia, Circuit City, Discovery Channel, History Channel Wyeth, Anthem, Philip Morris. Rachael Ray Show, US Marine Corp, US Navy, and MTV. He is a skilled director, shooter editor and graphics animator obsessed with technology and its impact on artistic expression and communication


Noah Pearcy was hooked at an early age, tagging along on the set with his father. an Academy Award nominat-ed Director and 30-year owner of a successful Maryland production company. Upon earning his degree with honors in painting and printmaking at the VCU School_ of The Arts, Noah began a career in media production Naturally drawn to the camera with its storytelling power, Noah quickly rose through the ranks to serve as
Director of Photography for two local production companies, lensing hundreds of productions during this tirritb When presented with the opportunity to start his own production company with colleague and fellow VCU Arts alumni Hal Dowdy, he realized a lifelong dream. From organizing crews of all sizes for commercial shoots, to hanging out of helicopters and setting sail aboard US Navy vessels to gather footage, to choosing the best angle to film a senator or CEO, there is little he hasn’t experienced. Noah’s dedication and feet for the Lens is evident in the artful images he delivers for his clientele.


Mindy Peters’ career includes more than fifteen years experience in nonprofit management, Serving as board member. development and marketing professional. grant writer, and program coordinator, she has helped many organizations carry out their missions After completing her BA in International Studies from George Mason University. Mindy launched her career at the Institute of International Education in Washington. DC, ( ordinating a program that helped victims of Apartheid earn college degrees in the U.S. She moved to Rich-mond in 1995 to work with two organizations improving economic conditions for Native Americans: the United Indians of Virginia and First Nations Development Institute. Mindy further honed her fund raising and marketing skills working with Richmond nonprofits St. Joseph’s Villa and Beth Sholorn Home, As COO of Broadscope. Mindy ensures our business operations are efficient and effective. She handles financial and office responsibili-ties, freeing up the creative team to do what they do best.
